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Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare Professionals

  • icona telecardiologia
  • icona telemonitoraggio pressione arteriosa
  • icona telepneumologia
  • icona telediabetologia
    • Electrocardiography

      The service allows to record a 12-lead electrocardiogram anywhere and at any time of the year.

      The electrocardiography “in real time” is carried out through a device that records and sends the electrocardiographic trace on the web, to the user’s personal health file, in analog or bluetooth wireless mode.

      The doctor can, 24 hours a day:

      • make the recording of the electrocardiogram
      • send the electrocardiographic trace in telematic/ telephone mode (also with mobile phone) to the HTN Service Center
      • request teleconsultation and immediate telereportation to the cardiologist on duty
      • access the user’s personal health file and directly print the report.

      The service is useful:

      • in primary prevention for users at risk (diabetics, hypertensive, dyslipidemia etc ..) or for screening, in healthy subjects for sports practice, license, gym etc ..)
      • in secondary prevention after a cardiovascular event
      • for the onset of signs and / or symptoms of a cardiovascular nature
      • for controls related to the definition of cardiovascular risk
      • for controls related to the evaluation of the effects of cardiovascular therapies.

      The telereportation and the related teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists are delivered and made printable within 10 minutes.

      Cardioline Microtel Electrocardiograph »
      Mortara WAM PC Electrocardiograph »

    • Diagnostics of cardiac arrhythmias with Dynamic Electrocardiogram 24 Hours according to HOLTER

      The dynamic electrocardiography service according to HOLTER allows the healthcare professional to take advantage of a device that records and sends on the web, to the user’s personal health file, the entire sequence of the electrocardiographic trace recorded for 24/48 hours.

      You can access the personal health dossier at any time, in the “SmartTelemedicine Platform” of HTN, to:

      • view the tracks sent to the user’s personal health file
      • print the report directly
      • request a teleconsultation / telereport in real time with the cardiologist on duty.

      The service is useful for:

      • a diagnostic confirmation of the presence of the arrhythmic state
      • a more accurate definition of cardiovascular risk by assessing the presence of minor and/or major arrhythmias
      • an evaluation of the effects of antiarrhythmic therapy.

      The telereport by HTN cardiologists is printable within 24 hours.

      Cardioline Walk400h Holter Monitoring »
      Mortara H3+ Holter Monitoring »

    • Event Recorder (monitoring and diagnosis of sporadic and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias)

      The service allows remote monitoring of sporadic and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias 24 hours a day using an Event Recorder.

      Palpitations (perceived as irregular heart rhythm or feeling of missed heartbeat) is a symptom common to many patients and its presence can be difficult to document. The basic electrocardiogram and the recording of the dynamic electrocardiogram according to Holter are the most used methods to investigate this symptom; often they do not give encouraging results especially in patients in whom the symptom is “accessual”. In these cases, the aid of Telecardiology is a valid element in the diagnostic approach.

      The Event Recorder is entrusted by the healthcare professional to the user for a period of 7-15 days. The user, when the palpitations symptom occurs, applies the device to the chest, presses a button, records 30″ of heart rhythm (which is stored in the device) and sends it, transtelephone / telematic, to the HTN operations center where a cardiologist specialist provides the teleconsultation / report of the arrhythmic event.

      The healthcare professional may at any time access your personal health file to:

      • view the sent tracks
      • print the report directly
      • request a teleconsultation / telereport in real time with the cardiologist on duty.

      The service is useful for:

      • a diagnostic confirmation of the presence of the arrhythmic state
      • a more accurate definition of cardiovascular risk by assessing the presence of minor and/or major arrhythmias
      • an evaluation of the effects of antiarrhythmic therapy.

      Reports and reports of the telemonitoring period can be printed within 24 hours of the return of the Event Recorder while any teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists is immediate.

    • Tele-ultrasound

      The service has the following scenario:

      • a remote outpatient workstation equipped with a digital ultrasound
      • compression equipment\encoding\signal transmission
      • media server platform for encoded signal reception and streaming
      • central platform of telemonitoring services for the visualization of images / movies and archiving within the SmartTelemedicine Platform in DICOM format
      • a remote videoconference station, at the clinic equipped with ultrasound, for e-learning by the HTN specialist during the execution of the exam
    • 24-hour outpatient monitoring of blood pressure

      (MAP/Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring)

      The Ambulatory Pressure Monitoring allows the healthcare professional to make available to their users a device that records and sends on the web, to the user’s personal health file, all the pressure values detected in the 24 hours.

      The healthcare professional can access the user’s personal health file at any time to:

      • view the data sent
      • print the report directly
      • request a teleconsultation / telereference in real time with the specialist on duty.

      The service is useful for:

      • a diagnostic confirmation of the hypertensive state
      • a more accurate definition of cardiovascular risk by assessing the pressure load, variability, differential pressure and average heart rate
      • an evaluation of the effects of antihypertensive therapy.

      The telereport is printable within 24 hours while any related teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists is immediate.

      Omron M24-7 BT 24h Monitoring of Blood Pressure »
      Walk200b 24h Monitoring of Blood Pressure »

    • Home monitoring of blood pressure

      The service involves entrusting the user with a device for the detection of home blood pressure values (with bluetooth wireless transmission or NFC Near Field Communication).

      All the pressure values detected, both at home and on the move, are automatically sent, through smartphones or tablets, to the user’s personal health file.

      Their progressive memorization allows the HTN cardiologist the accurate definition of cardiovascular risk through the evaluation of average values, transient peaks, pressure load, variability, differential pressure and average heart rate.

      The service offers the possibility to:

      • carry out unlimited measurements at home and/or on the move of the pressure values
      • easily and permanently store all the pressure values detected
      • compare them with those present in the database
      • view value trends
      • periodically receive the report from the HTN cardiologist
      • take advantage of the teleconsultation of a specialist cardiologist doctor 24 hours a day
      • take advantage of the printing of the report, always and immediately
      • issue the user with a personal password for viewing the data
      • request teleconsultation/ telereportation to the cardiologist on duty.

      The advantages are represented by the 200s of being able to:

      • carry out checks in primary prevention for all those who have hypertensive familiarity, stress, obesity, kidney diseases etc…
      • carry out checks in secondary prevention (users with diabetes mellitus, cerebral stroke, dilated heart disease, etc…)
      • evaluate the effects of antihypertensive therapy.

      The service has two possible variants:

      • the pressure detection device can be rented by the healthcare professional to its users who do not have a smartphone (in this case the user periodically returns to the clinic to download all the values recorded at home)
      • it can also be activated through the use of blood pressure monitors already supplied to the clinics or to the user; in this case the pressure data are, from time to time, manually entered into the personal health dossier.

      The telereport is printable within 24 hours while any related teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists is immediate.

      The 2013 Guidelines of the European Society of Hypertension underline that the blood pressure values detected at home have a prognostic significance more predictive of cardiovascular accidents than the values detected in the clinic.

      A&D 767BT Blood pressure Monitor »
      iHealth BP5 Blood Pressure Monitor »

    • Event Recorder (monitoring and diagnosis of sporadic and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias)

      The service allows remote monitoring of sporadic and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias 24 hours a day using an Event Recorder.

      Heart attack (understood as palpitation or feeling of missed heartbeat) is a symptom common to many patients and its presence can be difficult to document. The basic electrocardiogram and the recording of the dynamic electrocardiogram according to Holter are the most used methods to investigate this symptom; often they do not give encouraging results especially in patients in whom the symptom is “accessual”. In these cases, the aid of Telecardiology is a valid element in the diagnostic approach.

      The Event Recorder is entrusted by the healthcare professional to the user for a period of 7-15 days. The user, when the palpitations symptom occurs, applies the device to the chest, presses a button, records 30″ of heart rhythm (which is stored in the device) and sends it, transtelephone / telematic, to the HTN operations center where a cardiologist specialist provides the teleconsultation / report of the arrhythmic event.

      The healthcare professional may at any time access your personal health file to:

      • view the sent tracks;
      • print the report directly;
      • request a teleconsultation / telereport in real time with the cardiologist on duty.

      The service is useful for:

      • a diagnostic confirmation of the presence of the arrhythmic state;
      • a more accurate definition of cardiovascular risk by assessing the presence of minor and/or major arrhythmias;
      • an evaluation of the effects of antiarrhythmic therapy.

      Reports and reports of the telemonitoring period can be printed within 24 hours of the return of the Event Recorder while any teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists is immediate.

    • Tele-ultrasound

      The service has the following scenario:

      • a remote outpatient workstation equipped with a digital ultrasound;
      • compression equipment\encoding\signal transmission;
      • media server platform for encoded signal reception and streaming;
      • central platform of telemonitoring services for the visualization of images / movies and archiving within the SmartTelemedicine Platform in DICOM format;
      • a remote videoconference station, at the clinic equipped with ultrasound, for e-learning by the HTN specialist during the execution of the exam.
    • Telespirometry

      The service provides the possibility of recording a standard spirometry, with all the values related to lung capacity and the degree of airway parity.

      The healthcare professional has at his disposal a spirometer with which he can:

      • record the spirometry track;
      • send it electronically, on the web, to the user’s personal health file;
      • access the user’s personal health file with their password to view the data sent;
      • provide directly to the printing of the report;
      • request teleconsultation / telereference to the pulmonologist on duty.

      The service is useful in order to:

      • activate “screening” programs with respect to the population at risk (e.g. smokers/former smokers);
      • verify and confirm the certainty of the diagnosis of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease);
      • make a certain diagnosis of COPD flare-up whenever a patient is instable;
      • define a diagnosis of certainty and have, through teleconsultation with the pulmonologist specialist, an appropriate therapy.

      The telereportation is printable within 24 hours while any teleconsultation by the HTN pulmonologists is immediate.

      MIR Minispir Spirometer »

    • Monitoring of oximetry

      The service involves the rental or sale of a wireless oximeter for extemporaneous or continuous remote monitoring of oximetry values.

      The user, through smartphones, transmits the oximetric data to the “SmartTelemedicine Platform” of HTN.

      The service allows the user to:

      • record the oximetric track in extemporaneous or continuous mode;
      • send it automatically, on the web, to the user’s personal health file;
      • access the user’s personal health file to view the data sent;
      • print the report directly;
      • request teleconsultation/telereportation to the pulmonologist on duty.

      The service is useful in order to:

      • activate “screening” programs with respect to the population at risk (e.g. smokers/former smokers);
      • verify and confirm the certainty of the diagnosis of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease);
      • make a certain diagnosis of COPD flare-up whenever a patient is instable;
      • define a diagnosis of certainty and have, through teleconsultation with the pulmonologist specialist, an appropriate therapy.

      The telereportation is printable within 24 hours while any teleconsultation by the HTN pulmonologists is immediate.

      iHealth Oximeter »
      O2Ring Oximeter »
    • Telediabetology

      The healthcare professional has at its disposal a service that allows its diabetic users to automatically detect and store, 24 hours a day, all blood glucose values.

      The diabetic patient is entrusted with a USB / wireless transmission glucometer that (through PC / smartphone) sends in telematic mode on the web, to the personal health dossier, all the home measurements of glycemic values.

      The healthcare professional may, at any time:

      • access the user’s personal health file;
      • view the data sent by the device;
      • print the report directly;
      • request teleconsultation from the diabetologist on duty.

      The service is useful in terms of users with diabetes mellitus who need to:

      • a constant telemonitoring of hematochemical values (blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin etc ..)
      • therapeutic adjustments (insulin, oral antidiabetics)
      • specialized teleconsultations on their own co-morbidities (heart disease, retinopathy, arterial disease in the lower extremities, peripheral neuropathy, etc.).

      iHealth Glucometer »

    • Teledermatology

      The service allows to:

      • activate a teleconsultation with a dermatologist after sending the images of the lesions to be diagnosed collected with a digital camera or, alternatively, with a digital transmission dermatoscope;
      • access the SmartTelemedicine platform with your password and directly print the images and comments of the specialist.
  • icona telecardiologia
  • icona telemonitoraggio pressione arteriosa
  • icona telepneumologia
  • icona telediabetologia
    • Electrocardiography

      The service allows to record a 12-lead electrocardiogram anywhere and at any time of the year.

      The electrocardiography “in real time” is carried out through a device that records and sends the electrocardiographic trace on the web, to the user’s personal health file, in analog or bluetooth wireless mode.

      The doctor can, 24 hours a day:

      • make the recording of the electrocardiogram
      • send the electrocardiographic trace in telematic/ telephone mode (also with mobile phone) to the HTN Service Center
      • request teleconsultation and immediate telereportation to the cardiologist on duty
      • access the user’s personal health file and directly print the report.

      The service is useful:

      • in primary prevention for users at risk (diabetics, hypertensive, dyslipidemia etc ..) or for screening, in healthy subjects for sports practice, license, gym etc ..)
      • in secondary prevention after a cardiovascular event
      • for the onset of signs and / or symptoms of a cardiovascular nature
      • for controls related to the definition of cardiovascular risk
      • for controls related to the evaluation of the effects of cardiovascular therapies.

      The telereportation and the related teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists are delivered and made printable within 10 minutes.

      Cardioline Microtel Electrocardiograph »
      Mortara WAM PC Electrocardiograph »

    • Diagnostics of cardiac arrhythmias with Dynamic Electrocardiogram 24 Hours according to HOLTER

      The dynamic electrocardiography service according to HOLTER allows the healthcare professional to take advantage of a device that records and sends on the web, to the user’s personal health file, the entire sequence of the electrocardiographic trace recorded for 24/48 hours.

      You can access the personal health dossier at any time, in the “SmartTelemedicine Platform” of HTN, to:

      • view the tracks sent to the user’s personal health file
      • print the report directly
      • request a teleconsultation / telereport in real time with the cardiologist on duty.

      The service is useful for:

      • a diagnostic confirmation of the presence of the arrhythmic state
      • a more accurate definition of cardiovascular risk by assessing the presence of minor and/or major arrhythmias
      • an evaluation of the effects of antiarrhythmic therapy.

      The telereport by HTN cardiologists is printable within 24 hours.

      Cardioline Walk400h Holter Monitoring »
      Mortara H3+ Holter Monitoring »

    • Event Recorder (monitoring and diagnosis of sporadic and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias)

      The service allows remote monitoring of sporadic and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias 24 hours a day using an Event Recorder.

      Palpitations (perceived as irregular heart rhythm or feeling of missed heartbeat) is a symptom common to many patients and its presence can be difficult to document. The basic electrocardiogram and the recording of the dynamic electrocardiogram according to Holter are the most used methods to investigate this symptom; often they do not give encouraging results especially in patients in whom the symptom is “accessual”. In these cases, the aid of Telecardiology is a valid element in the diagnostic approach.

      The Event Recorder is entrusted by the healthcare professional to the user for a period of 7-15 days. The user, when the palpitations symptom occurs, applies the device to the chest, presses a button, records 30″ of heart rhythm (which is stored in the device) and sends it, transtelephone / telematic, to the HTN operations center where a cardiologist specialist provides the teleconsultation / report of the arrhythmic event.

      The healthcare professional may at any time access your personal health file to:

      • view the sent tracks
      • print the report directly
      • request a teleconsultation / telereport in real time with the cardiologist on duty.

      The service is useful for:

      • a diagnostic confirmation of the presence of the arrhythmic state
      • a more accurate definition of cardiovascular risk by assessing the presence of minor and/or major arrhythmias
      • an evaluation of the effects of antiarrhythmic therapy.

      Reports and reports of the telemonitoring period can be printed within 24 hours of the return of the Event Recorder while any teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists is immediate.

    • Tele-ultrasound

      The service has the following scenario:

      • a remote outpatient workstation equipped with a digital ultrasound
      • compression equipment\encoding\signal transmission
      • media server platform for encoded signal reception and streaming
      • central platform of telemonitoring services for the visualization of images / movies and archiving within the SmartTelemedicine Platform in DICOM format
      • a remote videoconference station, at the clinic equipped with ultrasound, for e-learning by the HTN specialist during the execution of the exam
    • 24-hour outpatient monitoring of blood pressure

      (MAP/Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring)

      The Ambulatory Pressure Monitoring allows the healthcare professional to make available to their users a device that records and sends on the web, to the user’s personal health file, all the pressure values detected in the 24 hours.

      The healthcare professional can access the user’s personal health file at any time to:

      • view the data sent
      • print the report directly
      • request a teleconsultation / telereference in real time with the specialist on duty.

      The service is useful for:

      • a diagnostic confirmation of the hypertensive state
      • a more accurate definition of cardiovascular risk by assessing the pressure load, variability, differential pressure and average heart rate
      • an evaluation of the effects of antihypertensive therapy.

      The telereport is printable within 24 hours while any related teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists is immediate.

      Omron M24-7 BT 24h Monitoring of Blood Pressure »
      Walk200b 24h Monitoring of Blood Pressure »

    • Home monitoring of blood pressure

      The service involves entrusting the user with a device for the detection of home blood pressure values (with bluetooth wireless transmission or NFC Near Field Communication).

      All the pressure values detected, both at home and on the move, are automatically sent, through smartphones or tablets, to the user’s personal health file.

      Their progressive memorization allows the HTN cardiologist the accurate definition of cardiovascular risk through the evaluation of average values, transient peaks, pressure load, variability, differential pressure and average heart rate.

      The service offers the possibility to:

      • carry out unlimited measurements at home and/or on the move of the pressure values
      • easily and permanently store all the pressure values detected
      • compare them with those present in the database
      • view value trends
      • periodically receive the report from the HTN cardiologist
      • take advantage of the teleconsultation of a specialist cardiologist doctor 24 hours a day
      • take advantage of the printing of the report, always and immediately
      • issue the user with a personal password for viewing the data
      • request teleconsultation/ telereportation to the cardiologist on duty.

      The advantages are represented by the 200s of being able to:

      • carry out checks in primary prevention for all those who have hypertensive familiarity, stress, obesity, kidney diseases etc…
      • carry out checks in secondary prevention (users with diabetes mellitus, cerebral stroke, dilated heart disease, etc…)
      • evaluate the effects of antihypertensive therapy.

      The service has two possible variants:

      • the pressure detection device can be rented by the healthcare professional to its users who do not have a smartphone (in this case the user periodically returns to the clinic to download all the values recorded at home)
      • it can also be activated through the use of blood pressure monitors already supplied to the clinics or to the user; in this case the pressure data are, from time to time, manually entered into the personal health dossier.

      The telereport is printable within 24 hours while any related teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists is immediate.

      The 2013 Guidelines of the European Society of Hypertension underline that the blood pressure values detected at home have a prognostic significance more predictive of cardiovascular accidents than the values detected in the clinic.

      A&D 767BT Blood pressure Monitor »
      iHealth BP5 Blood Pressure Monitor »

    • Event Recorder (monitoring and diagnosis of sporadic and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias)

      The service allows remote monitoring of sporadic and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias 24 hours a day using an Event Recorder.

      Heart attack (understood as palpitation or feeling of missed heartbeat) is a symptom common to many patients and its presence can be difficult to document. The basic electrocardiogram and the recording of the dynamic electrocardiogram according to Holter are the most used methods to investigate this symptom; often they do not give encouraging results especially in patients in whom the symptom is “accessual”. In these cases, the aid of Telecardiology is a valid element in the diagnostic approach.

      The Event Recorder is entrusted by the healthcare professional to the user for a period of 7-15 days. The user, when the palpitations symptom occurs, applies the device to the chest, presses a button, records 30″ of heart rhythm (which is stored in the device) and sends it, transtelephone / telematic, to the HTN operations center where a cardiologist specialist provides the teleconsultation / report of the arrhythmic event.

      The healthcare professional may at any time access your personal health file to:

      • view the sent tracks;
      • print the report directly;
      • request a teleconsultation / telereport in real time with the cardiologist on duty.

      The service is useful for:

      • a diagnostic confirmation of the presence of the arrhythmic state;
      • a more accurate definition of cardiovascular risk by assessing the presence of minor and/or major arrhythmias;
      • an evaluation of the effects of antiarrhythmic therapy.

      Reports and reports of the telemonitoring period can be printed within 24 hours of the return of the Event Recorder while any teleconsultation by HTN cardiologists is immediate.

    • Tele-ultrasound

      The service has the following scenario:

      • a remote outpatient workstation equipped with a digital ultrasound;
      • compression equipment\encoding\signal transmission;
      • media server platform for encoded signal reception and streaming;
      • central platform of telemonitoring services for the visualization of images / movies and archiving within the SmartTelemedicine Platform in DICOM format;
      • a remote videoconference station, at the clinic equipped with ultrasound, for e-learning by the HTN specialist during the execution of the exam.
    • Telespirometry

      The service provides the possibility of recording a standard spirometry, with all the values related to lung capacity and the degree of airway parity.

      The healthcare professional has at his disposal a spirometer with which he can:

      • record the spirometry track;
      • send it electronically, on the web, to the user’s personal health file;
      • access the user’s personal health file with their password to view the data sent;
      • provide directly to the printing of the report;
      • request teleconsultation / telereference to the pulmonologist on duty.

      The service is useful in order to:

      • activate “screening” programs with respect to the population at risk (e.g. smokers/former smokers);
      • verify and confirm the certainty of the diagnosis of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease);
      • make a certain diagnosis of COPD flare-up whenever a patient is instable;
      • define a diagnosis of certainty and have, through teleconsultation with the pulmonologist specialist, an appropriate therapy.

      The telereportation is printable within 24 hours while any teleconsultation by the HTN pulmonologists is immediate.

      MIR Minispir Spirometer »

    • Monitoring of oximetry

      The service involves the rental or sale of a wireless oximeter for extemporaneous or continuous remote monitoring of oximetry values.

      The user, through smartphones, transmits the oximetric data to the “SmartTelemedicine Platform” of HTN.

      The service allows the user to:

      • record the oximetric track in extemporaneous or continuous mode;
      • send it automatically, on the web, to the user’s personal health file;
      • access the user’s personal health file to view the data sent;
      • print the report directly;
      • request teleconsultation/telereportation to the pulmonologist on duty.

      The service is useful in order to:

      • activate “screening” programs with respect to the population at risk (e.g. smokers/former smokers);
      • verify and confirm the certainty of the diagnosis of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease);
      • make a certain diagnosis of COPD flare-up whenever a patient is instable;
      • define a diagnosis of certainty and have, through teleconsultation with the pulmonologist specialist, an appropriate therapy.

      The telereportation is printable within 24 hours while any teleconsultation by the HTN pulmonologists is immediate.

      iHealth Oximeter »
      O2Ring Oximeter »
    • Telediabetology

      The healthcare professional has at its disposal a service that allows its diabetic users to automatically detect and store, 24 hours a day, all blood glucose values.

      The diabetic patient is entrusted with a USB / wireless transmission glucometer that (through PC / smartphone) sends in telematic mode on the web, to the personal health dossier, all the home measurements of glycemic values.

      The healthcare professional may, at any time:

      • access the user’s personal health file;
      • view the data sent by the device;
      • print the report directly;
      • request teleconsultation from the diabetologist on duty.

      The service is useful in terms of users with diabetes mellitus who need to:

      • a constant telemonitoring of hematochemical values (blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin etc ..)
      • therapeutic adjustments (insulin, oral antidiabetics)
      • specialized teleconsultations on their own co-morbidities (heart disease, retinopathy, arterial disease in the lower extremities, peripheral neuropathy, etc.).

      iHealth Glucometer »

    • Teledermatology

      The service allows to:

      • activate a teleconsultation with a dermatologist after sending the images of the lesions to be diagnosed collected with a digital camera or, alternatively, with a digital transmission dermatoscope;
      • access the SmartTelemedicine platform with your password and directly print the images and comments of the specialist.

Services for healthcare professionals

The telemedicine services of HTN Virtual Hospital allow all healthcare professionals (doctors, specialists, nurses) rapid access to second-level instrumental diagnostic services with related multi-specialist teleconsultation.


The following services are active:

  1. teleconsultation/second opinion multispecialist
  2. telereporting of multiple instrumental investigations
  3. multiparametric instrumental home monitoring
  4. prolonged home remote surveillance for patients suffering from chronic diseases.

All the clinical-instrumental services are provided in real time, 24 hours a day, through the Service Center of Excellence in Brescia, which uses the most modern telecommunications technologies (smartphones, tablets, internet) and the advanced “SmartTelemedicine Platform“.

For each user, a personal health dossier is generated, subject to informed consent.


The professional is assigned a read-write password that allows him to:

  • access the personal health file of your user on the web
  • view health data and physiological parameters
  • print the reports of the various instrumental investigations.

The advantages that are realized are:

  • the possibility of quick access to second-level diagnostics at its clinics
  • the possibility of doing primary / secondary prevention, screening / follow up of users
  • the immediacy in providing the service with short delivery times of the report
  • the extreme convenience for the user linked to the reduction of travel, reduction of indirect costs derived from absences from work for booking, device return, report collection etc.
  • reduction of the demand for instrumental services to the National Health System
  • higher revenues.

© Health Telematic Network S.r.l. | Via della Volta, 189/B 25124 - Brescia | P.IVA 02028710982 | Cap.Soc. I.V. 300.000,00 € | Registro Imprese BS n° 6333 REA 406800. Webdesign ottosuperstudio

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In collaboration with

© Health Telematic Network S.r.l. | Via della Volta, 189/B 25124 - Brescia | P.IVA 02028710982 | Cap.Soc. I.V. 300.000,00 € | Registro Imprese BS n° 6333 REA 406800. Webdesign ottosuperstudio

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In collaboration with

© Health Telematic Network S.r.l. | Via della Volta, 189/B 25124 - Brescia | P.IVA 02028710982 | Cap.Soc. I.V. 300.000,00 € | Registro Imprese BS n° 6333 REA 406800. Webdesign ottosuperstudio

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